Chelesa Fearce Has Become an Inspiration to Many!

Chelesa Fearce has earned the highest academic distinction a high-school senior can attain – Class Valedictorian.

Well deserving, with a GPA of 4.466 and a 1900 on the SAT, Chelesa has not lived the easy life. Most of her high school years have been spent living in hotels, shelters, and even the family car.

A report from ABC news highlights the incredible struggles the 18-year old graduate of Charles Drew High School has faced.

"I would just pray," Fearce told "My mom, whenever we're in that situation, she always finds a way out of it. So I would just tell myself, tomorrow it will not be like this, so take your time, do what you have to do now so that you get the future that you want tomorrow."

Regardless of where she was living, Fearce found a way to study. She recalled using a cellphone light in shelters to get her homework done. "I'm so happy that I got through all of this and that I finally have gotten to this point," she said. "All the studying I've done ... you don't know! It was crazy. I was studying science, math, everything. I'm very proud to come this far."

Chelesa enrolled in college level courses over the last two years and has earned enough credits to begin as a Junior at Spelman College in the fall.