Lights, Camera, Budget! is an online game designed to help secondary students learn, study, and review financial literacy topics while also practicing their budgeting skills. In the game, students are positioned as movie producers who have been given $100 million to produce a movie. To get the movie produced, they must prove they have good personal finance skills to keep their budget on track.



  • Begin the game by selecting whether you are playing as a middle school student or high school student. The high school questions are organized by content categories that match the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Economics (insurance, financial institutions, credit, etc) whereas the middle school questions are all lumped together.

    Select a level
  • After each question is answered feedback is provided whether the answer given was correct or incorrect. Every correct answer gives you more money with which to produce your movie!

    Use your budgeting skills
  • The ultimate goal is to get a five-star movie produced! To do that, however, you will need to demonstrate personal finance knowledge as well as make wise movie decisions given your budget.

    Lights, Camera, Budget movie poster