Student's Real Time Lesson Feedback in Sarah Brown Wessling's Classroom

You have to see this!I ran across this really great tool for you to use right now in your classroom to gain immediate assessment of what your students learned. Formative assessment simplified...and student voice magnified!

This was created by Sarah Brown Wessling of the Teaching Channel and I just love it! I think you will too given that we have all just experienced a most laborious testing season in our public schools these past couple of weeks.

Hoping you find it to be helpful but also refreshing as well!So here it is: The “Stop Light Method.” Sarah explains in this very quick video that “students use post it notes to tell me either what they learned and post it on the green light, questions they considered (or an idea) and post it on the yellow light, and then what stopped their learning on the red light. This really helps me know not only what went well during the class but also what I need to do to prepare for the next day.”

Enjoy listening to your students. (If you have your own ways to listen to your students' reactions to your teaching, send them our way! Email us at: