The first of a series of public hearings on reforming Georgia’s tax code was held last night in Augusta.

The state’s tax reform panel is doing a two-week tour of the state to collect public opinion before getting down to the task of writing-up its ideas for reform to be given to state lawmakers next session.

The 25 people that turned-out in east Georgia Monday included a retired employee of the Department of Agriculture. Bill Tenley says there’s plenty of money going uncollected by officials:

Millions of dollars of revenue are not being collected because of inefficiencies, or either lack of personel or lack of committment in the Georgia Department of Revenue. Those millions of dollars could possibly be used to help lower taxes for the citizens of our state."

The tax reform panel takes its road show to Georgia’s coast and Savannah today.

Tags: Georgia, politics, Augusta, Georgia's tax code, Council on Tax Reform and Fairness, Bill Tenley