An investigation into the Savannah Police Department faults the city's former police chief for "inadequate" and "unproffesional conduct".

Chief Willie Lovett abruptly resigned in September after an officer filed a sexual harassment claim against him.

A third-party probe into the department shows the chief withheld information and ordered false documents made in an investigation of lower-level officers.

Two-police employees are being investigated in a drug trafficking scheme.

Savannah's City Manager, Stephanie Cutter, says she'll follow the investigation "where it leads."

The former chief and others come under scrutiny in a 183 page report.

Chatham County District Attorney Meg Heap says she's asked the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to look into the accusation into the report for possible criminal violations.

Tags: Savannah, sexual harassment, Willie Lovett, GPBnews, orlando montoya, Savannah City Manager, falsifying official documents, Chatham County District Attorney, Meg Heap, Savannah Police Department, Stephanie Cutter, drug trafficking