Sister Elizabeth Greim is one of a handful of nuns living in Macon. She prays, meditates and goes to Mass every day, but her Sundays are a bit different.

Greim, who is director of the homeless service center Daybreak, starts the day alone with early morning prayer at the red-bricked convent at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church where she also lives.

“Sunday is like my home day,” Greim said. “It’s like the day I get to really stay home. ... On Sunday, it’s kind of a time you can spend quietly by yourself, you know, kind of collect yourself for the day.”

Next she heads next door to the sanctuary for the 9 a.m. Mass.

“If I need to see other people, I can pop into the 11:15 Mass, and then there’s a 1:30 Hispanic Mass that is all in Spanish,” she said.

During the service, she takes a lot from the readings and especially the administration of the Eucharist.

“It’s the celebration of the consecration, that experience of God kind of entering into our space,” Greim said.

After the service ends, parishioners surround Greim, chitchatting about life in and outside the church. She enjoys it all.

“What I really like about Sunday is it’s the day I spend with my church community, and I still may spend it in a way that’s a little different than everyone else because as a sister I have kind of other obligations,” she said.

“It’s my day to kind of catch up with people in the faith and to really feel their faith as well, you know, to have that expression of our church together. So it’s a good day, Sundays. Busy, but good.”

This piece is part of an ongoing series we’ve called Macon in the Mirror. The project is being produced through a partnership involving GPB, Mercer University's Center for Collaborative Journalism and The Telegraph of Macon.

Tags: Center for Collaborative Journalism, Macon in the Mirror, Jane Hammond, Marin Guta, Sister Elizabeth Greim