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PHOTOS: Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday: A Celebration for All Ages
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Martin Luther King Jr., would have turned 86-years-old this week, January 15. King’s great-niece, 17-year-old Farris Christine Watkins never got the chance to meet her uncle, but she understands his role in history.
“I’m very proud that I get to be a part of such a legacy. It is a lot to carry on my shoulders, but it is a great one to uphold,” she said.
At Friday’s MLK holiday tribute at the Georgia state capitol, Watkins explained that she didn’t always understand her family’s legacy.
“Growing up, you never really realize what family you’re in until people start telling you. And then I took it upon myself to learn more and to do more in terms of actually researching what it means to be non-violent. It’s not passive resistance. It is active.”
Watkins says she believes the practice of non-violence, advocated by Dr. King, helps people develop wisdom, strength and endurance.
“It’s not something that should be used by someone who is not willing to go out and fight for freedom and go out and fight for justice” she said.
During the ceremony, Watkins introduced her grandmother Christine King Farris, Martin Luther King’s 87-year old sister. Farris was the guest speaker. She addressed a diverse crowd: young, old, black, white, dignitaries, state lawmakers and brightly-dressed schoolkids.
View A Photo Slideshow Of The Event
Despite her age, Farris continues to actively champion civil rights. She says her brother‘s vision for America is still relevant.
“He wanted people to work together, to love one another and to support each other. That was his dream.”
Farris says the king family is pleased that there will soon be a statue honoring her late brother on the grounds of the Georgia state capitol.
“It’s a humbling experience to think that in the state of Georgia there will be a statute of recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Governor Nathan Deal signed a bill last year authorizing the statue of King. Private funds will be used to complete the project.
Tags: christine watkins farris, christine farris, mlk celebration at the capitol in georgia, martin luther king jr, martin luther king jr holiday
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