Georgians unhappy with their choices on the presidential ballot have eight write-in options. The candidates include far left, far right and two Georgia candidates.

Only the Republican, Democratic and Libertarian parties qualified to have their presidential nominees' names listed on the Georgia ballot.

But the liberal Green Party and the conservative Constitution Party also have candidates running.

Metro Atlanta resident and former transportation safety compliance officer Darrell Hykes says he's making his independent run to restore the nation to Biblical values.

"When I go to the polls, I want somebody that best represents my beliefs, morals, and values," says Hykes. "And I decided I make a great candidate."

Under Georgia law, a write-in vote will count only if it's cast for one of the eight qualified candidates.

Five Congressional districts and one Georgia House district also have write-in candidates.

Two of the eight candidates come from Georgia: David C. Byrnes of Kennesaw and Darrell Hykes of College Park.

Hykes says the principles this country was built upon are fading away.

"I would definitely bring back Christian principles," says Hykes. "I would undertake the task of revamping or reforming our educational system."

Hykes has no political background.

If elected, Hykes plans on reducing taxes and reforming the education system.

Write-in candidates aren't listed on the ballot. They are:

Rocky Anderson - U.S. President (Justice)

David C. Byrne - U.S. President (Independent)

Virgil Goode - U.S. President (Constitution)

Darrell Hykes - U.S. President (Independent)

James Harris - U.S. President (Socialist Workers)

Erin Kent Magee - U.S. President (Independent)

Jill Reid - U.S. President (Twelve Vision)

Jill Stein - U.S. President (Green)

David Ferguson - U.S. Congressional District 3 (Socialist Workers)

Rachele Fruit - U.S. Congressional District 4 (Socialist Workers)

Cynthia McKinney - U.S. Congressional District 4 (Green)

John Benson - U.S. Congressional District 5 (Democrat)

Raymond Davis - U.S. Congressional District 5 (Independent)

Brian Russell Brown - U.S. Congressional District 10 (Republican)

Allan Levene - U.S. Congressional District 11 (Republican)

Tags: Georgia, Republican, Democrat, Kennesaw, GPB News, orlando montoya, 2012 presidential election, College Park, Ricky Borders, Darrell Hykes, David Byrnes