Hosted by Pamela Kirkland and Peter Biello, Georgia Public Broadcasting aired special live programming Saturday, Jan. 4, honoring former President Jimmy Carter and covering the start of six days of funeral observances commemorating his life.
As tributes pour in for former President Jimmy Carter following his passing, one of his closest allies, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Andrew Young, reflects on their decades-long friendship and Carter's enduring legacy.
Georgia Public Broadcasting's CEO Bert Wesley Huffman shared details about the organization's ambitious new vision and strategic plan as it celebrates its 65th anniversary this year.
Much of former president Jimmy Carter’s legacy was forged after his time in the White House. For more than 40 years, the Atlanta-based Carter Center continues to honor the Carters’ legacy of quiet diplomacy and service. Center CEO Paige Alexander sat down with GPB's Pamela Kirkland to discuss how the center is continuing its mission in the wake of President Carter’s passing.
Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, joined GPB’s Pamela Kirkland to discuss President Joe Biden's decision to commute 37 federal death row sentences and its implications for the future of capital punishment in the United States.