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Desperate for Downton Lunches with Newnan Carnegie Foundation
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Over the weekend I got to meet the amazing people who raise money to keep the doors of the Newnan Carnegie library open. The Newnan Carnegie Library Foundation was kind enough to invite me to be their speaker at their Downton Abbey themed luncheon fundraiser. It was the third year of the event and the ladies (and a few men) who came to lunch were hungry to get some updates since new episodes won’t return until next year.
I made sure I fed them with as much information as I knew. It was funny to see their reactions. I showed them a photo of Tom Cullen, aka Lord Gillingham who is rumored to be Lady Mary’s new suitor.
“Is he going to get a shave?” yelled out one attendee about the scruffy looking Cullen.
“I believe so,” I chuckled.
I conducted a vote on which look of Dan Stevens' they preferred - the old golden blond look or darker trimmer look. Golden blond Dan won out.

I was very impressed with how much the audience knew their Downton Abbey stuff. I couldn’t stump them on how to pronounce Siobhan Finneran’s first name during a triva session. (It’s Shuh-von). They knew the definition of dowager. Speaking of which, three intrepid ladies gave wonderful Lady Violet impressions.
Afterward as we munched on a chicken salad lunch, models (staff members of the library, friends and family members) showed off clothes from department stores and local vendors.
Overall a good time was had by all.
Check out the photos.