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Rosemary Jean-Louis

Rosemary serves as the voice of social media on GPB’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sites and instructs staff on digital and social content trends. She also trains volunteers during fund drives.
She is a prolific blogger, having created and written several of them including:
“Desperate for Downton”, “Tails of the City”, “A Passion for Learning” (now “Education Matters”) and “MyGPB” which promotes the organization’s programs, initiatives and happenings. Additionally she has covered geek culture, namely Dragon Con, for “The Daily Jog” blog.
She has worn many hats at GPB. Previously she produced digital content for GPB News and the Digital and Education team.
In a former life she was a music critic and then produced entertainment news segments for CNN HLN's "Robin & Company" morning show (now "Morning Express"). (So pardon her if she rattles off movie and television trivia on occasion!)
She is originally from Brooklyn, NY but calls Decatur, Ga home.