Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes, we have a problem! By the end of last week’s episode, they had not resolved where they would hold their nuptials. Planning the wedding has become a source of conflict between the two lovebirds.

Mrs. Hughes wants to hold the ceremony at a local school. Despite his bride’s wishes, Mr. Carson acquiesed to Lady Mary’s insistence on holding it at Downton.

“Good heavens Carson!!!!!! Stop being so weak!!!” exclaimed Venessa during our live chat.

Yes Carson, stop being such a pushover!

These are the types of lively barbs that come out of our online discussions. We hope you join our live chat for Downton Abbey Season 6 Episode 3 at 9 p.m. to take part in the conversation and instant reactions to what we’re seeing on our television sets. Remember we do not stream the episode online. To take part in the chat, scroll down and enter your information and comments in the chatroom .

Hopefully the wedding problems will be resolved soon. Mrs. Drewes’ attachment to Marigold and the tensions it was causing was fixed rather quickly. After the former foster mom snatched Marigold at the pig fair because she felt the aristocrats weren’t “paying attention to Marigold”, Robert laid down the law that they find a new tenancy.

Last year, chatroom members were rooting for Lady Edith when she had to fight with Mrs. Drewes to get Marigold back. This year and interesting change of heart occurred. Chat room participants felt sorry for the pig farmer’s wife.

How will the conversation turn out on Sunday? Join us and you’ll find out. Stay for the entire chat and also find out how you can get a Downton Abbey commemorative tea bag and cup.

Live Blog Live Chat Downton Abbey Season 6 Episode 3