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Join Us At The National Science Teachers Association Conference
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Science teachers from across the country will convene in Atlanta for the 2018 National Science Teachers Association’s (NSTA) National Conference, to be held March 15-18, at Georgia World Congress Center. The event will bring together thousands of science educators, as well as school and district administrators, scientists, business leaders, and many others to explore the latest in science content and teaching strategies, address important issues in science education, and hear from renowned scientists and educators.
GPB Education is excited to host two sessions at the national conference to showcase our digital science series for high school, Chemistry Matters and Physics in Motion. Both series are available at no cost to Georgia teachers and were produced in partnership with Georgia Power and the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA).
If you are attending the conference, please join us for the following two sessions:
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations with GPB's Digital Series, Chemistry Matters
March 16, 2018, 09:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room C301
In this session, participants will learn about GPB’s digital series, Chemistry Matters. The free series is aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for chemistry which are based on the NRC Frameworks and NGSS. Video segments feature certified Georgia chemistry teachers interacting with students in a variety of labs, demonstrations, and experiments. The Crosscutting Concepts of science underlie all twelve units of study, which are also designed to utilize Science and Engineering Practices. In this session, we will show how one of the S&E Practices, Planning and Carrying Out an Investigation, is used in many different forms throughout the series. It is one thing to simply carry out an investigation. It is an entirely different matter to ask students to plan their own open-ended investigations. For example, we will discuss how students investigate a fish kill on Georgia’s Ogeechee River to learn how to obtain, evaluate, and communicate data, and we will show how students learn about collision theory and reaction rate by designing their own antacid tablet experiment to determine which conditions create the fastest rate of reaction. All video segments in the series have corresponding practice problems, performance tasks and other resources to support critical-thinking and extend learning.
3-D Learning with GPB’s Physics in Motion Series
March 16, 2018, 05:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room C301
Physics in Motion, a new digital series coming soon from GPB, continues a longstanding tradition of providing high-quality digital learning resources to teachers and students. It was developed by a team of certified educators with all content aligned to the latest Georgia Standards of Excellence for science which are based on the NRC Frameworks and NGSS. Each video segment has corresponding notetaking guides, practice problems, 3-dimensional tasks, and supplemental resources that encourage inquiry-based learning and critical thinking. The series will also have “Closer Look” videos that will offer guided instruction for students who need additional practice on specific topics. This session introduces teachers to the series and offers navigation tips on how to access the detailed library of practice problems, note-taking guides, and inquiry-based labs, along with detailed solutions to go along with each segment. We will discuss how a 3D-learning lab, “Discovering Ohm’s Law,” uses the crosscutting concept CCC5 (Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation) and the corresponding video segment to engage students in learning physics concepts a more interactive way. The series will launch August 2018.
For more information on conference registration and logistics, go to the NSTA National Conference page. To join the conversation on Twitter use #NSTA18.