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VIDEO: Sesame Street Helps Military Kids Deal With Moving
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If you grew up a “military brat”, you remember moving around from country to country and state to state. You were always the new kid in school. And it was probably hard to make friends.
The folks at Sesame Street have realized how stressful relocating so much can be on kids of military families. So they have created the YouTube video below and some downloadable resources to help kids and parents cope.
In the video, Sesame Street: Where are You From?, kids share the many places they have lived so far. Some of the places are far flung and it is amazing how many locations these young kids have lived in such a short period of time.
The kids mentioned they have lived in Belgium, Japan, Wisconsin and North Carolina.
Check out the familiesnearandfar.org site that contains tips on how to prepare kids for moving. It contains downloadable and printable Goodbye Cards, Moving Labels that kids can fill out and a Travel Map.