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It’s been exactly one month since I started working on GPB’s educational show Fast Forward. It’s been a whirlwind of learning how to use new technology and devices, and right now I’ve got it down pretty darn well. The most important thing I have learned is to expect the unexpected while working with this Fast Forward team.
Since this is my first blog, I’ll give you some insight into what I do as a PA and how it came to be.
I don’t go on many shoots because I have two jobs, so throughout the last month I’ve been logging B-Roll from shoots, transcribing interviews, sitting in on script reads, and transferring a bunch of footage. It may not sound that exciting but working with these guys, trust me, nothing is dull. It is not always fun staying behind when they go to locations like the Fox Theatre, GA Aquarium, and Six Flags but I also don’t mind sacrificing a few things to work in two different fields that I’m passionate about, television and gymnastics.

That brings me to explain the life of a 23 year old balancing two jobs and a “social life.”
You get out of college with a degree and think to yourself, “now what?”

Unlike many of my friends and peers I had no idea what I wanted to do, and felt like everyone around me had their lives planned out to a T. So I moved home and got introduced to GPB as an intern, met some great people, and here I am getting paid for something I really enjoy doing for people I really enjoy doing it for. That is what “work” is all about. You find something you love and you do it because it makes you happy. As for my social life…that slowly transformed into real life as I went from college student to working girl.
That’s it for my first blog. Until next time…deep breathe, and do your best.
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