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The Fast Forward team recently made a trip to Georgia Regents University, one of the premier medical colleges in the state of Georgia. I’d love to give my usual gripping first-hand account of the shoot, but unfortunately I was sick. No, the irony wasn’t lost on me either. The trip also included a visit to Skidaway Island State Park in Savannah.
Now I might not have actually been on these shoots, but I’m pretty sure I can piece together what happened…
It all started when I called the team with the news of my illness. Upon realizing that I wouldn’t be able to join them on the four-day shoot, they were all understandably distraught; I’m pretty sure some even cried. But the show must go on, as they say, and Georgia’s coolest jobs wait for no one. So the next morning the van rolled out, albeit a bit more reluctantly, towards Augusta.
Georgia Regents University is one of the oldest medical schools in the South. More than 9,000 students come here to study everything from athletic training to wilderness medicine. There’s a lot of learning going on, and Fast Forward had to catch up quickly. Luckily they had help from several of the brainiacs that work at this place.
They met this guy during their tour. He was kind of shy, but apparently the nurses are crazy about him.
Did you know that you can study art at med school? That’s right; all those fancy diagrams don’t draw themselves. That’s a job for a medical illustrator…If they can pencil you in, that is.
Alas, even with some of the best doctors in the country at their disposal, the Fast Forward team couldn’t find a cure for the broken hearts that my absence had left them with. So they got back into the van and drove off into the sunset, I assume singing Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” as they went.
But the job hunt wasn’t over yet. The next stop was Skidaway Island State Park. Located in Savannah, this park has an area of 588 acres and has loads of cool stuff to do: hiking, camping, birding (that’s bird watching, not bird hunting), biking, and plenty of other outdoor activities.

The crew came across this beast at Skidaway. It’s a replica of a giant ground sloth. Scary right? Then again, everyone’s grouchy first thing in the morning.
A sloth like this one was actually discovered on Skidaway back in the 1820’s. Don’t worry about running into any during your next visit, though. You missed them by about 10,000 years.
This little guy isn’t a monster yet but give him time. I would be more reluctant to hold something with so many teeth. But from what I’ve heard, that ranger came away with all ten fingers. Park safety in action!
I have to hand it to the Fast Forward crew. Even though I wasn’t there to brighten their trip, they still held it together. They even managed to have a little fun. I’ll have to give the people at Georgia Regents and Skidaway Island credit for that. I hear they’re great places to see. Maybe we’ll even run into each other there one day. In the meantime, thanks for following Fast Forward. More blogs to follow along with more cool Georgia jobs.
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