Atlanta is a Top 10 Frugal Living City, according to

For four years running, Atlanta was the top ranked "Frugal" city in America. Until this year. The ATL was knocked out of its #1 ranking and pushed to #6 in the 2013 Most Frugal U.S. City listing.

The top 10 frugal cities are as follows: Orlando (1), Tampa (2), Washington D.C. (3), Nashville (4), Charlotte (5), Atlanta (6), Cleveland (7), Kansas City (8), Denver (9) and Raleigh (10).

"315 billion coupons were issued in the U.S. in 2013, giving consumers more than $510 billion in potential savings," said Jeanette Pavini, household savings expert. "While consumers clamor for savings across the entire country, the Midwest and Southeast dominate the most frugal U.S. cities list, owning more than half of the top 25 slots."

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