For the majority of Georgians, travel to the southwest portion of the state does not include the small town of Buena Vista and the nearby mythical kingdom of Pasaquan.
Hailed by the New York Times as the “leader of a new generation of opera stars,” and christened “opera’s nose-studded rock star,” Rome, Georgia's Mezzo-Soprano Jamie Barton has blown off the stodgy opera dust of a few centuries.
Since its 1995 inception, The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation has committed more than $1 billion in giving. “The needs in our society are more profound than at any point in my lifetime," Blank says.
Jeff Hullinger speaks with renowned artist Steve Penley. Born in Chattanooga, raised in Macon, schooled in Athens, living in Atlanta, Penley is as southern as Grizzard, Bisher, and Governor Joe Frank Harris. “The South influences everything I paint, and everything I am.”