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Howard High School student Heien Chang asked Rick Canosa what he would do if social media disappeared and how social media affects the development of younger generations.



Heien Chang: Hey, guys. My name is Heien, and today we're going to be talking about the evergreen topic of what would you do if social media disappeared today? Today I have —

Rick Canosa: Rick Canosa.

Heien Chang: Nice! So, Rick, based on the topic, what would you do if social media disappeared today?

Rick Canosa: Well, there's a lot of things I can't do and a lot of things that I would do. So, one of the things that I can't do is I can't market my business because I currently own two businesses right now. So that would affect my business as I rely on social media heavily to market myself. And what I would do is I would go back to the to the old-fashioned way of just doing fliers or — or somewhat.

Heien Chang: Would you say it's a big aspect of your business?

Rick Canosa: Yeah, it's a big aspect because, you know, social media is the — is another way for us to communicate without being in person. So, yeah.

Heien Chang: So without social media, as somebody who's growing up in their adolescent life, how do you think social media plays into the development of, let's say, your childhood?

Rick Canosa: Not a lot, because I feel like if you're a kid, you don't need to be on social media as much as adults do because you're a kid. You need to enjoy your life right now and get some social like talking in, because you don't need to be on social media talking to strangers online.

Heien Chang: So would you say if social media disappeared today, would that be a good or bad thing?

Rick Canosa: Definitely a bad thing. There's a lot of people that rely on social media, a lot of people that work ... on social media, like content creators and all that. So definitely business and I feel like the economy right now would plummet.

Heien Chang: These are some very interesting facts. Thank you so much, Rick.