National Blue Ribbon Schools serve as models of effective and innovative school practices for state and district educators and other schools throughout the nation. A National Blue Ribbon School flag gracing a school’s entryway or on a flagpole is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning.
High-leverage practices can impact your students for the better! Join us in conversation with Henderson Middle School principal, Dr. Suzan Harris to learn more!
Looking for tips to foster engagement in your classroom? Join us in conversation with Delise May of Atlanta Public Schools to hear how she creates a positive classroom climate with the power of peer encouragement.
How can we address the differing needs of English-learning students in our classrooms? Join us in conversation with ESOL educators Jessica McLaughlin and Lauren Fogarty to find out!
Make a difference in your students' mental health today! Join us in conversation with Tamlin Hall of Hope Givers and Adam Kowalczyk (Coach K) of Richmond County for the Season 4 premiere of Classroom Conversations!
Just in time for the new school year, GPB Education has launched its new app for teachers, families, and students! The app offers a wealth of no-cost, engaging, standards-aligned content designed to encourage curiosity, inspire imagination, and make learning fun.
Ask anyone the question, who taught you how to do that thing you love to do? The answer will often be something like, "There was this one teacher who really believed in me and didn’t give up on me." Today, Salvation South editor Chuck Reece wants to celebrate every school teacher listening, who never give up on their students.
Look behind the scenes of the Georgia math standards revision for secondary education. Join us for a special episode of Classroom Conversations with Lya Snell and Kenneth Golden of the Georgia Department of Education!
Get the insider scoop on Georgia math standards for elementary level math! Join us in for this special episode of Classroom Conversations with Lya Snell of the Georgia Department of Education and Ginny Baldwin of Cherokee County Schools.
Student health is a group effort! Join us in conversation with Forsyth County school nurse, Susan Kawecki, and specialized instruction teacher, Sydney Bramblett, to learn how nurses and teachers collaborate to improve student physical and academic health at Coal Mountain Elementary School.
Georgia students of different abilities are able to share the spirit of athleticism thanks to wheelchair sports. Join us in conversation with Anna Henry and Christy Jones of the Houston County School district to discover how adapted sports is making a difference in the lives of student athletes across the state.
Join us to hear about an agriculture exchange program connecting students in Georgia and Germany to each other and to the land. Wes Pace and Holly Garcia of Seminole County Schools tell us how this exciting partnership is opening the minds of students globally.
Meet students where they are by implementing personal learning plans! Join us in conversation with Jeanine Bunn of Lamar County Schools to learn how tailoring instruction to individual students can make a difference in your classroom.
Get students interested in science by bringing the subject from the page to real life! Join us in conversation with third grade teacher Amy Brown to learn how hands-on, inquiry-based 3D science instruction can improve students understanding of the natural world.
How can music develop a greater sense of community and collaboration in our classrooms? Join us in conversation with music teachers, Melissa Delman and Michael Kobito to find out!
Knowing each individual student can make a profound difference in student success. This task can also be a challenge. Join us in conversation with Tabitha Purvis of Columbia County Schools for tips on getting to know all of your students.
What can the simple art of reading aloud do for student comprehension? Join us in conversation with Jordan Motsinger of Cobb County Schools to find out!
Looking to cultivate learning with a positive classroom climate? Join the conversation with Parrie Oates and Ashlie Smith to learn how the art of compliments can improve our education system, one student at a time.