Engaging exploration delves into the complexities of slavery and freedom in antebellum Savannah through the lens of the Owens-Thomas House & Slave Quarters
If students want to better understand the work of the Special Counsel, these resources are available to support their inquiry into the work of government commissions.
History came to life at Lincoln County Middle School last week as a panelist of local community members shared their experiences involving the racial integration of their Lincolnton, GA high schools.
Lights, Camera, Budget! is an online game designed to help middle and high school students learn, study, and review financial literacy topics while also practicing their budgeting skills.
My teaching philosophy is if I'm bored, then my students are bored, and I don't like to be bored. Blending technology with Interactive Notebooks has eliminated the boredom.
With these digital resources, GPB and PBS highlight the past and present accomplishments of African Americans and extend this study to more than a month.