The Magnolia Bayou Ladies Auxiliary Country Club Cooking and Entertaining Book


The Magnolia Bayou Ladies Auxiliary Country Club Cooking and Entertaining Book


Long before blockbuster cookbooks, community recipe collections were go-to references for recipes. These compilations were fundraising tools for church and junior league groups, Girl Scout troops and 4-H clubs.

Matthew Terrell is an artist and writer living in Atlanta. His book, The Magnolia Bayou Ladies Auxiliary Country Club Cooking and Entertaining Book, picks up the spiral-bound, D.I.Y Southern tradition, but this time there is a twist. This cookbook is fiction. While the recipes are real, everything else — the stories, the characters, the commentary, the ads — are fake.

Terrell joined On Second Thought to share his love of community cookbooks, and how they capture the time and place of a community. “I think what’s really interesting is that they are sociological, historical documents through recipes,” Terrell explained. “You can really come to learn about a people and a place through the food that they make — and the way they talk about the food.”

Terrell will be at the Bending Genres panel at the Decatur Book Festival, Saturday, Aug. 31.


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