Charter schools are a pillar of the school choice movement. But when discipline is racially inequitable in a charter school, it calls the meaning of school choice into question.
The 1985 Quality Basic Education Act guides the state in distributing nearly $11 billion to its 1.6 million public school students, but calls for change have been growing louder in recent years. Since its inception, the state’s population has roughly doubled, and costs for expenses like transportation, technology and counselors have radically changed in the intervening decades.
Gov. Brian Kemp plans to push for a state budget with $65 million dedicated to fighting pandemic learning loss, hiring new guidance counselors and recruiting teachers.
Republican Gov. Brian Kemp says he wants Georgia to provide grants to school districts to help students catch up on what they didn't learn because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The incumbent also wants to expand the number of school counselors, encourage teacher aides to become full-fledged teachers and pass a law requiring school lockdown drills.