A similar hearing last year brought extraordinary moments, including a retired intelligence officer alleging that the U.S. government has recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites.
Birds descended from the dinosaurs, but researchers have known relatively little about how the bird's brain took shape over millions of years. A new fossil sheds light on that mystery.
The government in Lahore has closed schools and public spaces and shut down factories. Environmental lawyer Ahmad Rafay Alam shares his perspective: "frustrated" but still fighting.
The Biden administration issued a new fee on climate-warming methane pollution, but the EPA regulation faces an uncertain future under President-elect Trump
Wetlands managers have spent years using fire and chemicals to fight phragmites, an invasive reed that chokes everything else out. But coaxing beneficial native plants to move back in is difficult.
President-elect Donald Trump said the New York Republican would help push deregulation and support American businesses. Environmental groups decried the nomination.
The original 2021 ruling ordered Shell to cut its carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. The appeals court said there is "insufficient consensus" on a specific reduction percentage.
A research facility in Yemassee, S.C., has recovered 25 of the 43 monkeys that escaped from the laboratory last week after a caretaker accidentally left the door to their enclosure unsecured.
The North and South Taurids occur every year in September, October, and November. They may have originated from a comet that broke up about 10,000 years ago.
About two dozen chimpanzees deemed too feeble to be moved a few years ago will be going to Chimp Haven after all. The NIH said originally they'd be kept in New Mexico for their own safety.
There's an area in China that's home to a huge trove of dinosaur fossils. It used to be thought it was formed through a Pompeii-like volcanic eruption, stopping dinosaurs in their tracks. But new evidence has come to light about how it likely came to be.
The findings, which used DNA from the plaster casts of people who died in the Mt. Vesuvius eruption two millennia ago, challenge the traditional gender and familial assumptions about the Pompeiians.