After launching on Thursday, the Starship rocket caught the booster back at the pad but lost contact with the ascending spacecraft as engines went out. Officials for Elon Musk's company confirmed that the spacecraft was destroyed.
Joe Velaidum's home security camera captured the instant a meteorite smashed against his home's brick walkway. The video is thought to be the first recorded sound of a meteorite's direct impact.
Named after the first American to orbit Earth, the New Glenn rocket blasted off from Florida, soaring from the same pad used to launch NASA's Mariner and Pioneer spacecraft a half-century ago.
In a two-for-one moonshot, SpaceX launched a pair of lunar landers Wednesday for U.S. and Japanese companies looking to jumpstart business on Earth's dusty sidekick.
A cosmic object spotted by the James Webb Space Telescope has flummoxed astronomers. Now, a research team has studied hundreds of these "little red dots" and found clues about their identity.
New Glenn, developed by the private space firm founded by billionaire Jeff Bezos, is on the pad at Cape Canaveral, Fla., and could launch on its maiden flight as early as Friday.
Astronomers hope the Proba-3 mission will help them get a better view of the corona, the sun's outer atmosphere, which is even hotter than the sun's surface.