Relationships don't always offer opportunities to be light and playful with each other. What we'd found through cribbage was something important, something more than just a pandemic hobby.
Sometimes you can find new interests in old places. For me, it was taking ballet classes alongside a group of around 20 Chinese ladies, all of them starting ballet as adults.
Building Legos with my family helped me realize that sometimes I was the foundation, and that even though I felt hidden or overshadowed, that it was still important to fulfill my purpose.
Family Feud is kitschy, a bit silly, and just challenging enough. I love the drama, but it also forces me to take a step back from my bubble and think about the larger human experience.
I picked up skating as a coping mechanism after a year in my house and in my head. It gave me the gift of learning something new with my body, and a new perspective on how to move through the world.
This movie, starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, introduced me to the idea that love could be dangerous and you should learn to protect yourself. But that's not the only lesson I learned.
Fossils are a humble, hidden constant in the city's bustling ecosystem. And in my overstimulated life, seeking out a few constants in the world sounded pretty good.
Ikea's unyielding sameness is a stabilizing force in my life — but I wanted novelty anyway, at any cost. So I traveled thousands of miles to the Ikea Museum.
In an ever modernizing world, foraging provides an opportunity to recall the simplicity of survival. All the things I thought I needed pale in comparison to a delicious piece of neglected fruit.
It's a thrill to go from my Washington, D.C., office to an outdoor adventure. I can run the rapids or just paddle the Potomac River, while leaving the city behind.
I've spent a lot of time figuring out my gender by clinging to objects. I dress like Turtle from Entourage – his presentation of gender embodies a distinct vibe that I wish to harness in my journey.
We asked NPR readers and listeners to share what they're really into and why it brings them joy. If you need a new hobby, here are a few unconventional ideas.
There's something fascinating about the life and demise of theme parks — the taste of nostalgia, that everything has an end, the unforgiving churn of capitalism, the loss of beloved structures.