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Tweet the Ignite Show to Ask Governor Deal Questions
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The Ignite Show is taping its second show today, featuring guest speaker Governor Nathan Deal. You can be a part of it even if you can’t physically be in the audience at 4 pm. I will be live tweeting and fielding your questions and comments on Twitter.
Here is how to join us: log on to your Twitter account. Then whenever you have a comment or question, add in the hashtag #igniteshow at the end of it. For those who are not familiar with what a hashtag is, here is an explanation: it organizes all of the comments and questions pertaining to a particular topic whenever the #and the keyword are featured. That will allow me to view your comments and questions.
Make sure you also follow @teachersignite and @gpbeducation on Twitter for further updates. We plan to keep the discussion ongoing.
The Ignite Show is hosted by leader and arts education advocate Anne Anne Ostholthoff. It also features renowned educator and tech blogger Vicki “Cool Cat Teacher” Davis on the subject of best practices for technology in schools and the panel debate: Best Track for Success Out of High School facilitated by the Glenn Pelham Foundation for Debate Education, a group actively involved in middle and high school debate outreach.
The entire show will be posted online for your viewing pleasure after the taping in the next few weeks.
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