We explore static electricity as we learn about charging by friction, conduction, and induction.

Segment B: Static Electricity

Segment B: Static Electricity

We explore static electricity as we learn about charging by friction, conduction, and induction.



Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about electrical and magnetic force interactions.


Plan and carry out investigations to demonstrate and qualitatively explain charge transfer by conduction, friction, and induction.


Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.


Construct an argument using evidence to support the claim that fields (i.e., magnetic fields, gravitational fields, and electric fields) exist between objects exerting forces on each other even when the objects are not in contact.


Plan and carry out investigations to demonstrate the distribution of charge in conductors and insulators.

-Define static electricity.

-Discuss properties of conductors and insulators.

-Explain charging by conduction, friction, and induction.

-Explain what it means if an object is electrically polarized.

-Investigate the law of conservation of charge.

conduction - the transfer of charge by direct contact.

conductor - a material across which electrons can easily travel.

charging by friction - the transfer of electrons by two objects being rubbed together.

electrostatic force (FE) - one of the four fundamental forces of the universe; the attraction and repulsion of particles based on their electrical charges; is equal to Coulomb’s constant times the magnitude of two charges divided by the distance between the charges, squared.

induction - charging a neutral object by bringing a charged object close to but not touching the object.

insulator - material that resists the movement of charge.

law of conservation of charge - electric charge cannot be created or destroyed but can be transferred from one object to another.

static electricity - the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of or within a material.

triboelectric series - a list of materials that ranks materials by how easily they give up or receive electrons.

polarization - the process of separating opposite charges within an object.

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