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Rebecca Guinn

Rebecca Guinn is the founder and CEO of LifeLine Animal Project, a leading metro Atlanta animal nonprofit founded in 2002 that promotes lifesaving animal welfare solutions through its programs and management of Fulton County Animal Services and DeKalb County Animal Services. Along with the county shelters, LifeLine Animal Project operates its rehabilitative shelter, two low-cost LifeLine Spay & Neuter Clinics and several community outreach services including its Catlanta trap-neuter-return program for stray and feral cats.
In 2013, Rebecca received Leadership DeKalb’s Sue Ellen Owens Award for identifying an unmet and underserved need in the community and creating an initiative that resulted in a permanent and positive step for the community.
Previously, Rebecca served as the program director of Best Friends Animal Society’s No More Homeless Pets Atlanta campaign. Rebecca is an attorney, and before getting involved in animal welfare, she practiced with the Atlanta firm Maloy & Jenkins and specialized in white-collar criminal defense in the federal courts.