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The Best is Yet To Come
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There’s something in the air, and I am not referring to the pollen. It’s Emmy season (Fast Forward was recently nominated for 4 Regional Emmy’s) and we are in the home stretch of filming season 2 of Fast Forward. Holy cow! Where did the time go? With only 4 shoots left we’re all trying to stay ahead of the game.
The Fast Forward team has been on some exciting shoots these last couple of months. From the Georgia Olive Farms and Cogdell Berry Farm near Lakeland,

where they grow “super fruits,” to Meddin Studios and Raleigh Studios where movie and TV magic happen from Savannah to Senoia, there has been so much we’ve all learned. But there is a lot more to get done before the summer is over. Right now I’m recovering from the devastating fact that I couldn’t go on the Raleigh Studios shoot (I love The Walking Dead and wouldn’t mind being a zombie in an episode or two). I did get to watch the interviews though, and now I’m slowly on the mend.

The crew has a great time visiting all of these amazing Georgia companies, but that doesn’t come without hard work and collaboration. From climbing a giant crane over-looking the Savannah River at Georgia Ports Authority to taste-testing the fine new flavors at King of Pops (okay, that actually wasn’t hard at all, but you get the idea), we endure countless adventures on Fast Forward.

Even though I’m not actually on location, I know our crew goes above and beyond to get every great shot. These episodes are going to be mind-blowing!
So while I’m here in the office, I look forward to a few things each day. The first: the “Launchpad Approval” emails Dave sends out; they’re hilarious. The second: table reads, where thoughts and ideas are put down on paper. Everyone is involved and it is often the best part of my day. It’s not all fun and games around the office though. It can sometimes be stressful and overwhelming, but we have a good way of dealing with the pressure. We laugh…a lot, and drink way too much coffee. It is an honor to be a part of this crew, and to be working on this 4-time Regional Emmy nominated program. I have a greater understanding of writing, the pre-production process, cool Georgia jobs, and perhaps most importantly--what it takes to make a delicious and nutritious fresh frozen pop. Speaking of that, I think it’s time for a snack. Banana puddin’, here I come!
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