For many years now, Salvation South editor Chuck Reece has edited publications where Southerners of all sorts can tell their stories, including stories of this region’s rich Black history. Here’s Chuck to talk about how his views of Black History Month have been evolving over those years.
Black History Month is a time to honor African Americans' legacies, contributions, and culture throughout history. Check out these resources to enrich your lesson plans and bring Black History Month to life with modern perspectives for your classroom!
Interested in sharing your migration story with GPB? Then you've come to the right place. As part of the release of "Great Migrations: A People on the Move" by Henry Louis Gates Jr., GPB will be collecting stories of Georgians and how they came to be a piece of the Peach State.
Black History Month is celebrated each year in the United States during the month of February to coincide with the birthday of President Abraham Lincoln on February 12 and Frederick Douglass on February 14.
With these digital resources, GPB and PBS highlight the past and present accomplishments of African Americans and extend this study to more than a month.
Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise, a two-part, four-hour documentary series hosted, executive produced and written by Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., will premiere on GPB.