I can’t imagine anything more rewarding for players and coaches at this time of the year than having an opportunity to practice during the Thanksgiving break.
It's Thanksgiving week, and as the GHSA State Playoffs reach the quarterfinal round. Teams around the state who are fortunate enough to still be qualified are gearing up for another big game.
The Cedar Grove Saints are having a terrific run. Last year Coach Jimmy Smith’s Saints got on a roll, and took it all the way to the championship podium in the Georgia Dome winning the Class AAA title.
It's State Playoff Time, and the Peach County Trojans are seeking to make another trip to the state championship game.You see, it's something that is expected if you live in these parts.
The playoffs are an opportunity for those players to shine, and for coaches to get a final opportunity to see them display their skills on a bigger stage.
The Georgia High School Association doesn't get involved in tiebreakers for the regions and allows each region to decide which form of tiebreaker works best for them.
As many throughout the state of Georgia knows, the Buford football program is the Rolls Royce, the Cadillac...dare we say the Mercedes Benz program in the state.
It seems as if the regular season Prep Football competition began just a couple of weeks ago; but we are now at the final week of the schedule, and with that comes bracketology...