Cooking with Rhythms - Kindergarten
In this Let's Learn GA! lesson, students will explore and experiment with music by using items found around the kitchen to create and perform rhythms.
Cooking with Rhythms - Kindergarten
In this Let's Learn GA! lesson, students will explore and experiment with music by using items found around the kitchen to create and perform rhythms.
Materials needed for this lesson include:
- 4 kitchen objects (plates, bowls, pots, pans or napkins)
- something to write with
- spatula or mixing utensil (optional)
- 4 various kitchen ingredients (chips, fruit, a spoon, candy, etc.)
Fine Arts
Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines.
Create simple rhythmic patterns (e.g. quarter notes, quarter rests, barred eighth notes).
Share creative work.
With guidance, share a final version of personal musical work with peers.
Read and Notate music.
Read, notate, and identify quarter notes, quarter rests, and barred eighth notes using iconic or standard notation.
Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines.
Create simple rhythmic patterns (e.g. quarter notes, quarter rests, barred eighth notes).
Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others.
Echo simple rhythmic patterns with appropriate technique using body percussion and classroom instruments.
Perform steady beat and simple rhythmic patterns with appropriate technique using body percussion and classroom instruments.
Read and Notate music.
Read, notate, and identify quarter notes, quarter rests, and barred eighth notes using iconic or standard notation.
Improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
Improvise simple rhythmic patterns using a variety of sound sources (e.g. electronic sounds, found sounds, body percussion, classroom instruments).
Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others.
Perform steady beat and simple rhythmic patterns using body percussion and a variety of instruments with appropriate technique.
Perform simple body percussion and instrumental parts including ostinato while other students play or sing contrasting parts.
Read and Notate music.
Read, notate, and identify quarter notes, quarter rests, barred eighth notes, half notes, and half rests using iconic or standard notation.