In part two of a three-part series, students learn how to add details to an urban street scene using one-point linear perspective in this episode of Let's Learn GA! with teacher Freddy Sanchez. 

Linear Perspective (Part II) - 6th Grade

Linear Perspective (Part II) - 6th Grade

In part two of a three-part series, students learn how to add details to an urban street scene using one-point linear perspective in this episode of Let's Learn GA! with teacher Freddy Sanchez. 

Materials needed for this lesson include:

- drawing paper (preferred) or any paper you have access to

- a ruler or straight-edged instrument 

- a sharpened pencil or 2 

- a separate eraser (preferred) or any eraser you have available

Fine Arts


Engage in an array of processes, media, techniques, and/or technology through experimentation, practice, and persistence.


Demonstrate a variety of skills and techniques for two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.