Stilesboro Biscuits


Stilesboro Biscuits

Only the most special of foods can make a seamless transition from breakfast platter to dinner plate. The biscuit certainly holds that honor here in the South. They come baked, fried, or flaky, almost always crowned with a shiny glaze of melted butter. So imagine our excitement when we discovered that there is a region of Georgia dedicated to this Southern delicacy. The so-called "Biscuit Triangle" is located north of Atlanta, between Marietta and Kennesaw. 

Producers Linda Chen and Taylor Gantt eagerly volunteered to investigate this delicious route.

And we asked: Where can you get the best biscuits in Georgia? 

The Ugly Biscuit


The Ugly Biscuit

The Ugly Biscuit menu


The Ugly Biscuit menu