The royal familyhas decided to leave the 105-carat gem out of this weekend's coronation ceremony. The Koh-i-noor has become a focus of anti-colonial anger. India wants it back.
A water treaty has survived three wars between India and Pakistan. Now the agreement is in trouble, but some say a new is treaty needed for both political and environmental reasons.
COVID-19 disrupted health care across the globe. causing the biggest drop in childhood vaccination rates in decades. UNICEF's latest estimates find that nearly 50 million children entirely missed out.
India's Supreme Court is hearing arguments in the historic case this week, years after it decriminalized gay sex. India could become the second place in Asia to allow marriage equality, after Taiwan.
First Saniya wrote poems. Then she began rapping. Now she appears on TV and YouTube and before big crowds, spreading her message about justice. Her father the rickshaw driver is her chauffeur.
A former Indian lawmaker convicted of kidnapping and facing murder and assault charges was shot dead along with his brother in a dramatic attack that was caught live on TV in northern India.
The 87-year-old Buddhist high priest says he "regrets" kissing a young boy on the lips and asking him to "suck my tongue." A video capturing the incident went viral on social media, sparking outrage.
Since Narendra Modi became prime minister in 2014, India has slipped in rank from 140 to 150 in the World Press Freedom Index of 180 countries compiled by Reporters Without Borders.
Parts of the Himalayas in India are seeing people leave for cities that offer more jobs. Those left behind feel forgotten as the government looks to use the land for resources for the growing cities.
Key Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi was disqualified from the lawmaking body after a defamation conviction over his remarks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's surname.
Nearly half a century after the government of India kicked out Washington Post reporter Lewis M. Simons, journalists there are at risk again. And for similar reasons.
India's Supreme Court decriminalized gay sex in 2018. In January, the court accepted a petition from four LGBTQ couples to legalize same-sex marriage. It is set to hear arguments on Monday.
Nominated in the documentary short film category and now streaming on Netflix, the film depicts the loving relationship of a tribe in India and the pachyderms who share the forest with them.