The fallout from a Wall Street Journal op-ed has led the Mayor of Dearborn, Mich., to increase police presence. Since the Israel-Hamas war broke out, there's been an uptick in hate crimes.
The Oct. 7 attacks on Israel displaced tens of thousands of Israelis from their kibbutzim near Gaza. Since then, rabbis have been crisscrossing the country offering trauma-informed care to victims.
Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jan. 27, feels different this year because of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. More Jews were killed that day than on any single day since the Holocaust.
28% of Americans are now religiously unaffiliated. A new study from Pew Research looks at how atheists, agnostics and those whose religion is "nothing in particular" view God, religion and morality.
Dad's Place in Bryan, Ohio, filed a federal lawsuit accusing the city of religious discrimination, arguing that providing food and shelter to those in need is a religious activity.
One takeaway from Iowa's Republican caucuses: evangelicals show no signs of backing away from Donald Trump. But some say even a small shift could make a big difference in November.
The temple inauguration marks the culmination of a decades-long dispute over a site Hindus believe is the birthplace of the god Ram. Critics call the temple a monument to India's eroding secularism.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will help consecrate the unfinished temple on Monday, on the site of a 16th century mosque destroyed in 1992. Critics say the rushed ceremony is a political stunt.
Demolition got underway at the site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history, as part of the effort to reimagine the building to honor the 11 people who were killed there in 2018.
The slaying of a South Korean woman during an initiation process for a group that called itself Soldiers of Christ has shocked the large Korean American community in metro Atlanta. Community leaders say Korean Americans need to be more vigilant to protect against religious cults and the possible exploitation of new arrivals from South Korea.
In his Christmas Mass address Sunday, he said the word of God is being drowned out by the violence in Gaza. Pope Francis has called for a ceasefire multiple times since the war started on Oct. 7.
After my parents died, it felt like I had been robbed. I sat down with my brother and sister to talk about how losing our mom and dad made us think about religion and our own spirituality.
In a major development, the Vatican said priests may bless same-sex couples in informal settings, such as a meeting or visit to a shrine, so long as the blessing does not appear to endorse a marriage.