This evening, right after sunset, the sky will display something beautiful: the brightest planets Venus and Jupiter will come so close to each that they will almost look like they might touch.
The Russian spacecraft that brought the three crew members to the ISS in the fall later experienced a leak in its radiator cooling loop. A replacement ship launched on Friday.
Since the first days of the space program, astronauts wear a special patch specific to each mission. A small North Carolina company has designed them all since the Apollo lunar launches.
At about 600 million years after the Big Bang, they're not the oldest galaxies the telescope has spotted. But they appear as developed as our Milky Way — far further along than researchers expected.
The incident does not pose a danger to the station's crew, Russian space officials said. The announcement came shortly after a new Russian cargo ship docked at the station.
The first astronomer to discover moons around Jupiter was Galileo, back in the year 1610, but astronomers are still finding more and more moons around this gas giant.
Send leaders into space for perspective, tap solar power to offer electricity for all, make "dignity" a priority — those are some of the wishes readers have for 2023.
Seven astronauts died when the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon reentry on Feb. 1, 2003. NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy looks back on the tragedy and how it shaped the agency.
A Japanese telescope captured images of the shape on Jan. 18. It was likely caused by the sun illuminating leftover fuel expelled from the rocket of a SpaceX launch.
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped the uncanny photo in December. Eyes are formed by craters. A hill with a "V-shaped collapse structure" resembles a snout.
There was no reason for alarm, as a NASA engineer called it "one of the closest approaches by a known near-Earth object ever recorded." It was only 2,200 miles above the Earth's surface.