Hosted by Pamela Kirkland and Peter Biello, Georgia Public Broadcasting aired special live programming Saturday, Jan. 4, honoring former President Jimmy Carter and covering the start of six days of funeral observances commemorating his life.
The service, which lasted roughly two hours, was packed with heartfelt and vivid remembrances that recalled both a powerful president and politician as well as a thoughtful and giving man of faith.
Speaker Mike Johnson and Vice President Harris eulogized the 39th president at a U.S. Capitol Rotunda ceremony, and he will now lie in state until Thursday.
The first day of memorial services for former President Jimmy Carter began in his hometown of Plains, Ga., and included stops at the Georgia State Capitol and The Carter Center in Atlanta.
Japan's former leader Shinzo Abe was honored at a rare and divisive state funeral Tuesday that deeply split public opinion and that drew angry protests.