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Digital Shadow Reveals What People on Facebook Know About You
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If you’re like me and can’t figure out what people on Facebook know about you, a marketing stunt can help. Ubisoft, the makers of the upcoming game Watchdogs has created a campaign for the video game that pulls the public information off of your Facebook account. The campaign is called Digital Shadow. It gets permission to access your account information and then builds a “dossier” as though you’re an assassin’s target.
It compiles information like who you interact with most and least, who tags you the most on photos, what your most popular posts are, when you are most active, where you live, your income based on your occupation and your age.
It turns out it’s a great way to see how well your privacy settings are configured.
Try it out here and share how you do.
How did I do?
Based on my results, my privacy settings are not are as air tight as I thought they are. According to the program, I am most active on Facebook between the hours of 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. on Thursdays. They calculated my salary based on my job title (they got that wrong!).
But they did mine my accurate age, the city I live in and my education level.
Because of my supposedly high income, I was dubbed a "high valued target".
Looks like I need to go back and tweak my privacy settings to diminish my “target value” and the information others can learn about me.
Again try out Digital Shadow and tell us how you measure up. This could be a good free inadvertent reputation management system. It can also teach students digital citizenship and illustrate exactly what they are sharing that is appropriate and not appropriate.
Watchdogs the video game by the way comes out May 27.
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