We learn about the properties of series circuits. We examine how to find the total voltage, current, and resistance of a series circuit and learn how to find these things across individual resistors within the circuit.

Segment G: Series Circuits

Segment G: Series Circuits

We learn about the properties of series circuits. We examine how to find the total voltage, current, and resistance of a series circuit and learn how to find these things across individual resistors within the circuit.



Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about electrical and magnetic force interactions.


Plan and carry out an investigation of the relationship between voltage, current, and power for direct current circuits.


Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of and relationships between electricity and magnetism.


Develop and use models to illustrate and explain the conventional flow (direct and alternating) of current and the flow of electrons in simple series and parallel circuits.

-Understand that the total current in a series circuit is equal to the current in each resistor in the circuit.

-Understand that the total voltage in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the voltages of the individual resistors in the circuit.

-Understand the difference between an open circuit and closed circuit.

-Calculate the equivalent resistance for a series circuit.

-Determine the voltage, current, and resistance for a total series circuit and for individual resistors within that series circuit.

closed circuit - a circuit with no breaks, in which current can flow continuously.

equivalent resistance (Req) - the total resistance of a collection of resistors; for a series circuit, is equal to the sum of the resistances of the individual resistors. For a parallel circuit, the reciprocal of the equivalent resistance is equal to the reciprocal of each of the resistances of the individual resistors.

Ohm’s Law - law formulated by Georg Ohm that relates current, voltage, and resistance within a circuit; voltage is equal to current times resistance.

open circuit - a circuit with a break, either a switch or malfunction in which current cannot flow.

series circuit - a closed loop in which the current follows a single path.

voltage drop - loss of voltage due to resistance.

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